... since I've cried in the shower, but I'm having those feelings again. Being a cancer warrior is HARD, hard, hard and I'm feeling sad today.
1. My mama questions my decision to share this experience "for the whole world" - so now I'm questioning it. Is it bad to blog about everything I'm going through? I can only hope that someone will learn and/or become inspired.
2. My whole family is affected by what I'm going through - even my rock, Hubby. Especially since financially speaking, this has hit us very hard. Makes me sad to see him sad.
3. Sometimes it just feels easier to disappear than to deal with this mess. Not sure how to do that, though.
I'm sure I'm not the only person who feels so sad and, I KNOW this will pass - just wish we could fast-forward past the hard part.
I for one, though I doubt I could do it myself, admire your willingness to share your experiences, warts and all. Only you can say for certain whether it helps, but it does make many of us feel like we're able to be supportive, even if very remotely, and to genuinely understand what you're going through. I say if it's therapeutic for you, you go girl!