Friday, June 4, 2010

Recovery room

This is Andrew, posting on behalf of Susan while she is recovering.

We are sitting in the recovery room, as Susan sips her first coffee of the day, trying to wake up from the sedative they gave her when implanting the "port." Things took much longer than expected, since the vein in which they usually implant the catheter didn't want any darn catheter implanted there. After two attempts, our awesome Dr. Johs decided to go for the jugular. The jugular was less testy and happily accepted the catheter.

Susan is groggy and hungry, though decidedly more caffeinated than she was before. We are both happy, yet very nervous, now that the physical treatment is underway.

We just got all of the post-op instructions. No alcohol for only 24 hours (thank goodness today is not her birthday). Vicodin prescription sent to pharmacy. She can hold the kids. No driving or being alone for next 24 hours. And no operating heavy equipment, so the backhoe sits idle for today.

Lunch options: Cheeseburger or sushi? Highest number of votes in next 20 minutes wins!


  1. I vote Smashburger! (Andrew) Am I allowed to vote?

  2. I Agree Smashburger!! I Love You!!

  3. No one voted for sushi, but that's what we had. Yum! Though Safeway sushi definitely isn't Sushi Tora.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Travis and I had Amberjack sashimi the other day...fantabulous.
