Thursday, June 3, 2010

It's been a very good day!

It's been exactly 3 weeks since my diagnosis, on the calendar anyway. In real life, it's been an ETERNITY! My life has been flipped upside down, inside out and all over again... and this is just the beginning. Funny how fast things can change. PLEASE never take anything for granted in your life. In my new reality all things and people are precious commodities. Enough of my rambling....

Ok, here's why my day has been such a good day:

1. Got my genetic testing results and they are negative. This means, the chances of recurrence - in the same breast, in the other breast and/or in my uterus - is VERY slim. Yay!
2. I was connected with a neighbor (literally around the block, I walk by her house every day), who also has small children 5 & 3, is going through treatment right now. She uses the same surgeon. We're having tea on Sunday.
3. I'm set up for some "complementary therapy" for next Fri. I'll be delving into the world of acupuncture and Chinese herbs. Apparently, this stuff works wonders for the side effects of chemo.
4. My colleague and friend, Julie (who, you may remember from previous posts) brought me a whole bag full of goodies. Here are a few below:

Looks a lot like my new haircut, huh?

And, this little number is made especially for your hat wearing days.


  1. You are awesome and beautiful ...


  2. Wow, I have such mixed emotions reading that one of your close neighbors is going through the same thing as you. On the one hand, it is amazing and wonderful that you have someone so close by that you can reach out to. But on the other hand, I am sad to hear that another young mom is fighting this battle. Stay strong Susan.

  3. You Look So Cute!!!
    I Love You!!!

  4. I LOVE your new haircut! Hang in there, babe!
