Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Post Chemo Day 1

Just an update to let everyone know as of right this minute- 9:20am, the day after my first visit - I'm feeling fine. I'm a little foggy and smelling bacon this morning wasn't too pleasant, but other than that- doing great! I'm even at work... my boss will be so proud :)


  1. Also, forgot to mention that OTHER than the numbers on the scale moving in the WRONG direction, too! Damn water retention.

  2. I Love You Susan!!!
    By The Way You And Andy Both May Land A Spot In A Catalogue From Yesterday"s Post.

  3. Water retention has got to aid in buoyancy, no? Good for swimming. There is a positive in there somewhere I am sure....

  4. Hey Susan,
    I am glad the first day of chemo went without a hitch. I wanted to say I love the new 'Do. You do look like a movie star. And Happy Belated Birthday to you!
