My dogs are smelly. They're hairy. And, they drive me crazy. But... I love them. Both of them.
We got Basco as a puppy, he's a black lab. He was a wild one. He tore everything up with his sharp little teeth, but dangit he was so cute! I used to put him in the shower with me. I'd take him on two walks a day, plus 3 hikes a week. He was living the life... back in the day... before kids.
Then, came Ella. We rescued her from New Orleans (well, officially from Ft. Collins, CO where a group went down and brought back an entire animal shelter of displaced animals) after Hurricane Katrina. She is a M-U-T-T, mutt. And, definitely got a douse of that Nawlin's craziness in her. But, she's a love muffin with the sweetest heart (unless you're a cat, of course).
Basco is especially loyal to me. Especially during this cancer ordeal. I think he feels the tension and senses my sadness. He follows me everywhere. On weeks I have treatment, he just plops himself right next to my bed. When I get up to use the potty, he follows me. To go to the kitchen.... especially when I go to the kitchen... he follows me. He is a good, loyal dog. Dogs are so special in that way. And, just knowing they're here makes me feel better. Even if they drive me crazy most of the time.
**Here's to all the special pets in the world!**
Juno sends happy barks to Basco and Ella, and love to Susan, Tucker, and the kids!