Wednesday, September 15, 2010

How do you get a tissue to dance?

Put a little boogie in it!

And boy howdy have I been doing that a lot lately. Come to find out, when you start losing all your hair due to chemo, you really do lose all your hair.... including those little hairs up in your nose. Seems they serve an important purpose- like keeping your snot in place (amongst other things- you can read more about those here.)

My nose runs constantly. Rather than it collect up in there and I blow my nose like a "normal" human being, it just runs out. I'll be working and next thing I know there's a stream of snot puddled on my upper lip. Lovely.

Wonder when my hair will start growing back after my last chemo? .......Oh, hair, how I miss thee.......

1 comment:

  1. Someone needs to come up with a wig that fits in your nose! OK, maybe not.
