Saturday, September 18, 2010

I'm losing my mind...


Seems as if I'm right smack in the middle of one of the most frustrating side effects of chemotherapy, "Chemo-Brain", aka Chemo Fog. How totally fabulous.

Once upon a time, I considered myself a pretty sharp gal. As a bartender, I could remember every single drink of every single regular who frequented the Oasis (and there were A LOT!) I knew everyone's name, could remember their stories and credit card numbers - ok, not the credit card numbers. Anyway, you get the point. I had a good memory!

Then, we decided to have children and things have gone down hill since. Pregnancy #1 took about 30% of my brain cells. Pregnancy #2 took another 30% and now it seems as if chemo is tapping into the rest. But, this time, it's different.

In the here-and-now, I still feel pretty sharp. I'm in the moment, I'm tuned in, I know what's going on around me. I may lose a few names here and there, but I'm in it. Talk to me a few hours later and reference a conversation from earlier and voila! I'm in the Twilight Zone. No clue what you're talking about.

This better pass pretty darn soon!

Ok, what was I going to say again....

1 comment:

  1. Susan I love you. I think about you every single day. Sorry about your memory - and your nose hairs! You are still a warrior in my eyes. You're battling this with such strength. Here's to the last of the chemical invasions! You're thick, beautiful hair will fight it's way back. Stay strong. I am always with you in spirit.
