Saturday, May 15, 2010

My life is surreal right now

Normal yet, I keep thinking, "I have breast cancer, I have breast cancer, I have breast cancer". At least the boys are happy, lunch at the fire station AND a birthday party.

1 comment:

  1. So - Lady...
    I'm in sur-real mode too... I keep thinking, "Susan has breast cancer, Susan has breast cancer." It's so hard not to want to be mighty mouse and just fix this for you. It's also hard not to want to take it from you and give it to someone that you preferably hate... you know - like the bitch that hits on your husband or the one who's completely and inappropriately passive aggressive at the grocery store. Those people should have breast cancer - not you!
    Let's beat this Susan, you can do it and we will all help you!!! Let's kick cancer's ass and hang it out to dry. Then we'll go to Mexico and drink a margarita on the beach. Ahhh....
