Saturday, November 6, 2010

Reader Poll

Hi Happy Readers,

At least I assume you're happy... and, why wouldn't you be? The weather is perfect and, well, you really don't need more than that.

So, I'm compiling all my best blog entries and I need your help. I've recently had several opportunities that would allow me to become a semi-professional blogger and now that the pressure is on, I'm drawing a blank! Is that weird? For five months I've let the feelings, emotions and random issues of having breast cancer flow from me like lava, and now that I'm going to write stuff down to give to someone else, I'm freaking out! (And, if you're one of those people waiting on me to give you something - I PROMISE I'll pull out of this funk!)

Anyway, I'd like to take a quick reader poll to get your opinion of the very BEST of my blog entries. Which ones did you find the most humorous, the most informative, the most enlightening? Which ones have stuck with you?

I originally started this blog to keep my family and friends posted on my progress, and as a way to manage my feelings (I firmly believe if I get "stuff" out of me, it's easier for me to deal with), but it's turned into so much more. It seems like people are actually reading it and feeling inspired (that's what I keep hearing anyway) and because of that, it inspires me to keep going, to keep being strong and to keep documenting my process. Certainly there is someone out there who has just been diagnosed that is getting "something" from my experience. Us "BC" girls gotta stick together!!

I look forward to hearing from you. Feel free to either post here OR email me direct (

Yours in Improving Health,



  1. I personally think that the best blogs are the ramblings and the nostalgic blogs because they so accurately capture who you are. And THAT's why we read your blog.
    It reminds me of my Art degree from a thousand years ago. I so badly wanted to make something that's cool and that others will think is cool and I tried to produce "cool" but the pieces that everyone LOVES are the "uncool" ones that I painted when I was just goofing around or feeling intense. People love to connect with the real person, not a perception of what others 'think' is cool. We want authentic experiences.
    Remember my Telluride painting that essentially turned black after John died. I was shocked when everyone ended up LOVING that painting. They thought it was amazing when all I saw was pain. I didn't think people would like to look at something so intense but it was/is truly an authentic piece of art.
    It's the artist's connundrum to just "be yourself" because then you start questioning who that 'self' is.
    SO! just be yourself lady - those are the best blogs. It's why I'm a failed blooger - I don't want everyone to know how much of a dork I am.
    AND if you need some fuel for your fire, just blog about some of the stupid sh*t we did together over the years. I won't mind :)

  2. I agree with Cyndi. Don't "think" too much. I know that's hard. I think some of my personal favorites are the shower, the park when you were walking (that I commented on), and the last one where you could smell the butterscotch sap.

    I also liked the dear hair/shampoo,:), the old man in the infusion room, and the one introducing us to the infusion room. Those stuck with me because they were so clever. The first ones stuck with me because they "strummed" my personal heart strings on a different level. It's like I was right beside you, in the experience, when I read them.

    I'm glad you're doing well. I love you!

  3. I liked the cry in the shower blog. It was raw and emotional and so private. yet, I think it captures how you are feeling when not trying to be so brave for everyone.

  4. Here are my favorite posts:

    - Cry in the Shower: Amazing that you were able to be so open and honest about such scary feelings.

    - Happy Birthday to My Angel Baby: So sweet and a beautiful articulation of your love for Caleb. Also, I liked how you talked about the journey you and Andrew made in deciding to go for baby #2 and the struggles (miscarriage) with the ultimate result being such a great addition to your family. It reminded me that most good things in life come with struggle/disappointment/hard work.

    - The Dear XXXXX Posts: coffee, shampoo, Mr. Van Gogh. Just fun and interesting.

    - The Lucky #13: Loved hearing about your decision to come to Boulder and how you made that dream a reality. Also loved the photo of you by the "Welcome to Colorado" sign. So cute. We have the same picture from June 2007 when we crossed the border.
