Sunday, November 7, 2010

I love Sundays

Since having children, Sundays have become my favorite day of the week.

We slowly wake up (some of us slower than others) with rarely any plans beyond hanging out as a family. I've dreamed about the idea of "Family Sundays" for as long as I can remember. We all pile up in bed, tight as sardines when the dogs join in, watch the news and act silly. Of course, that never lasts long because one of the boys usually starts demanding a show of his own or milk or juice or food. But, I cherish it for the 10 minutes that I can get it.

We listen to the jazz station while we eat pancakes at the table. Z usually starts acting goofy and C laughs hysterically at him. After breakfast, the boys run wild while hubby and I do a loose rendition of "chores". This morning I was in my pj's until almost 11:00.

Next up is usually an outing (hiking, biking, etc), then lunch and naps. The house is quiet and it's decadent.

Back in a different life, I spent Sundays at church. The best thing about going to church, to me, was the "tradition" of it, the feeling of community and the love shared. Church is now "Family Sundays," taking time to honor everything important to me.

If you're wondering when I honor God, well... that's between us.

1 comment:

  1. barbarabraymajor@yahoo.comNovember 9, 2010 at 7:50 PM

    I love my Sundays as well, and every knows i don't like to make plans in the afternoon, that is for movie time. I love sleeping in as well, Tim on one side and Justin on the other. Plus the kitty cat.
    Sundays are my favorite day.
