Thursday, October 21, 2010

WoHoo... I am CANCER FREE!

Sorry for my lame post yesterday, I had a CRAZY day and wasn't in a place where I could properly update. Life does not slow down for people - even people who used to have cancer.

I had to take C to the doctor yesterday because he was coughing, wheezing, snotty and screaming. He literally screamed for two hours in the middle of the day yesterday, refusing to take his nap. He gets mad sometimes, but never have I seen him this worked up. This, combined with the stress of waiting for the results of the re-excision lumpectomy, made me a total stress case. Anyway, long story short, we ended up in Urgent Care with him hooked up to a nebulizer. He was diagnosed with Acute Bronchospasm, my child has asthma. He's much better today than he has been in a long time. Breaks my heart to see my love muffin so sick.

But guess what? Five months, with six rounds of chemo and two surgeries, and I am CANCER FREE! WoHoo! I still have radiation ahead of me and five years (gulp!) of taking a hormone inhibitor, but the hardest part is over. What a journey this has been.

I can't help but to think about my next steps in life. Right now, I need to lose weight, make money and grow some hair. Wonder if there is somewhere I can combine those three? Boy, that would change the world, huh? Anyway, what's most important to me, really though, is STAYING cancer free. I really don't want to go through this again. I think there's going to be more green leafy foods in my future.

Thank you again everyone who has been so supportive to me and my family during these past five months. I feel sad for those women who are on this journey that do not have the kinds of friends and family that I do. I am truly one lucky girl.


  1. What good news. It must be such a relief!

  2. Your post yesterday was NOT lame. It was WONDERFUL. I am so happy for you!! I knew you were going to put up a mean fight and I know you have it in you to keep fighting!

    Poor Caleb. He will be ok though. Many very cool people have asthma. Ethan. Me. Your husband :)

    And I love your line about needing to "Lose Weight, Make Money and Grow Some Hair" It could be a great book title. Or maybe a movie.

  3. Lynn's right! MAKE A MOVIE! A movie about Susan! Everyone would want to see.

    She's also right about many cool people with asthma...

  4. YIPEE, YAHOO & YAY - Tuckeroo and I are sooooooo very happy to hear the news. We never had any doubt whatsoever that you'd kick cancer's butt - if anyone could do it..... it was you. We look forward to seeing you and your family soon. Kiss Caleb for us (Z-man too!).
    M & M

  5. Great news! You may be a lucky girl, but we are the really lucky ones...because we know you!
