I'd like to thank you for inventing such a wonderful device!
I'm certain that without the use of your bulb drain (aka the JP drain), my armpit area would swell up with all the fluids it's been collecting and explode somewhere totally inappropriate, like my bed. Lord knows we wouldn't want that to happen.... especially hubby who is pretty darn squeamish when it comes to strange bodily fluids.
Bulb Drain and I have had a lovely time hanging out. We've gone leaf collecting, bike riding and shopping. We've eaten together, slept together and bushed our teeth together. In fact, there is NOTHING that Bulb Drain and I haven't done together for the past eleven days. Yes, that's right, eleven days. No one in my life has seen that much of me at any given time, ever. Unless you count that two week trip to Europe with Cyndi and the next two week trip to Spain with hubby.... but nothing beyond that.
My point is Mr. Jackson-Pratt, that as much as I love Bulb Drain and the purpose he/she serves, I'm kinda tired of schleping him/her around. So, could you figure out a way to get Bulb Drain to get the job done FASTER? (Today would be nice since I have a wedding to attend this weekend.)
Thanks in advance for your cooperation. Keep on inventin' (unless of course you've left this old earth - as I'm sure you have.)
Yours in surgical recovery,
For the record, I am far LESS squeamish about bodily fluids after watching my children being born, taking a split-headed child to the ER, and living with a wife with cancer and a JP drain. My favorite part of the JP drain is the lovely "stripping" that forces you pull the body tissue that has collected in the drain's tube through the tube into the bulb. So appetizing.