And, no... I'm not talking about myself (although I'm sure I have been called that before). I'm talking about Avista Hospital! Wow, what a difference a week makes, and in case you've forgotten what I'm talking about, you can read my previous Avista post here.
My surgery experience today was quite lovely... if, indeed, surgery can be called "lovely." The nurses were fabulous. Surgery was a breeze and who doesn't love Dr. Johs. This was the first time I've ever been partially awake and aware in the operating room, it's crazy.
So, everything went well and we'll find out tomorrow about my clear margins **crossing fingers!!**
Right now I'm relaxing with little to no pain. I expect it'll only get better from here.... especially after I get the good news tomorrow. I'll keep you posted.
I think you're cool. Just sayin' :)