Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Erasing all evidence....

... of cancer.

I just got home from my post-imaging Dr.'s appointment and the results are good... yay! Basically, both lymph nodes that showed up positive before, are now clear and the tumor went from being 3.8 cm to 1 cm. (The diameter of a Gatorade sized cap to the diameter of a pencil eraser.)

What does this mean? This means lumpectomy with not a lot of tissue being cut out. They'll still remove the sentinel lymph nodes in my arm pit and I'll still have radiation to sterilize any microscopic cells, but it's all much less invasive than it could have been had I done surgery prior to chemo.

I'll be totally cancer free by the beginning of December (after 6 weeks of radiation.) This gives me 7 whole months to get in bikini-shape for my 40th in Mexico... yeHaw!


  1. Woo-hoo! That's great news, Susan! How fantastic. Happy birthday to Caleb; you have a lot to celebrate!

  2. That is Music To My Ears!!
    Best news I Have Heard in A Long Time!!
    Yes YeHaw Mexico Here She is Susan!!

  3. What good news! What a great second birthday gift for Caleb!
