Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dear Mr. Loud Sneezer,

I'd like to thank you for waking me up today. Had it not been for your explosive-trio-of-head-blasting sneezes, I might still be sitting at that traffic light. Even with my windows up, air conditioner on and music blaring (Ooingo-Boingo, Weird Science) you put some excitement into my otherwise hum-drum of an evening. I would even venture to say that most of the cars around us were quite shocked and amazed when they realized that that gun-shot sound what not in fact guns shots, but ... a little old man the size of a pea and a honker of a nose.

I hope your allergies clear up soon.

Thanks again.

Awake at the Traffic Light,


1 comment:

  1. This is great! Susan, you are really funny. I really love your points of view!
    I love you!!
