Monday, November 1, 2010

Are you as tired of pink as I am?

Thank goodness October is OVER! Pink, pink everywhere. It was making me nauseous.

I'll bet you're wondering how I could possibly be sick of breast cancer awareness month, it IS raising awareness for "my" cause after all, right? Kinda.

You see, just like anything else that gets people to give money by the tugging at their heartstrings, businesses can get greedy. Seems that if you simply attach a pink ribbon to your brand the kind gullible public will willingly open their wallets and throw money at you. ESPECIALLY since almost everybody knows somebody who has been affected. (Remember, 1 in 8 women).

If you want to give in the name of breast cancer awareness and research, do YOUR research. Don't just buy anything with the pink ribbon. While there are a large number of companies making a difference, the vast majority of brands doing it "in the pink" are making huge profits.

Frankly, I think it's just a slap in the face and if you really want to make a difference, send your love and a nice homemade meal to someone in treatment.

Say NO to Pinkwashing!!!

Good resources:
Breast Cancer Action (BCA)
American Institute of Philanthropy

Related articles/blog posts:
The Boston Globe
Where the Money Goes
But Doctor ... I Hate Pink


  1. Sooooo..... I guess should return the pink teddy bears, tee-shirts, hats, bracelets, buttons, beads, coffee mugs and doggie collars that I bought for you.

  2. Ummmmm... hmmmmm.... well, I'm assuming you were a "responsible" pink purchasing person?!? Tell your mom sorry for me. I do appreciate the sentiment. :)
