I'm getting hair! My hair is growing in! YAAAAY..... Peach fuzz! It's a little blonde and a little brown and a lot splotchy. I'm also getting more color in my face. I've been so pale and pasty looking, it's nice to start seeing little bits of "Susan" coming back.
I finally got the JP drain out yesterday. Holy Pain, Batman. That HURT! She dabbed a little alcohol on the spot, said "take a deep breath" and proceeded to pull out a 6 inch long hard plastic thing that had been up in my side/arm pit area OUUUUUCCCHH! I'm embarrassed to say that I loudly expelled a few cuss words. Thank goodness THAT is over with. In other news, my surgery area is healing nicely. The girls are lopsided and probably will be until I do something about it. Oh well.
My 2-year old is... well.... 2. My first 2-year old was hard in a constantly-mildly-challenging kind of way. My second 2-year old is trending to be extra challenging in a sporatic kind of way. Boy, does he get MAD. I miss my sweet, always-happy, little baby. :(
My 4-year old is spazzy, but oh-so fun and funny. Yesterday he told me that he has hooked up special wires to his head so he can record the dreams he likes (to watch later) and he takes the wires off when he has dreams he doesn't like (so he never has to see them again).
I really, really need to make some money. Cancer is expeeeeennnnsive! I've decided to start my own marketing "consulting" (social media implementation, event management, etc) gig to hopefully make some cash on the side. Know a small business who needs to get things done? Please send them to me! www.Get-Susan.com.
I meet with the radiologist on Monday and will start radiation shortly thereafter. I'm so happy things are moving quickly. I haven't realized how bad I've felt until the past couple of days (because I've been feeling GREAT!)
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