Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tests, tests and more tests.... then surgery

Ok, I'm on day 1 post chemo and trying to get all these tests scheduled. First off, it's 29 hours past infusion and normally I'm down for the count at this point- not today, though. I feel much better than expected (of course, I have done nothing but lay in bed and surf the internet all day).

However, I digress.

Next up on my cancer agenda is testing. MRI is scheduled for next Monday (the 27th) a PET/CT scan is scheduled for Thursday the 30th, a follow up exam is scheduled for Oct 5th, pre-op is scheduled for Oct 8th and surgery is scheduled for Oct 11th. WHEW! That's a lot of stuff coming up!

Makes me tired just thinking about it. Not to mention, I have a job I need to get back to and kids that need a mom and a husband who needs his wife. I need to get better VERY soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Susan, I got the link to your blog from Tracy, I'm one of her neighbors out here in California, I just wanted to say that I'm keeping you & your family in my thoughts & prayers. Lots of Aloha, Danielle
