Sunday, June 20, 2010


I couldn't sleep last night because I'm stressing about my hair - or future lack of. It's JUST HAIR, right? I have to say, this is the hardest part of my cancer journey. If it didn't come out, I could pretend to the world that I'm totally healthy and fine. Without the hair, it screams, "Look at me, I'm sick!"

My sister-in-law is coming into town for my "shaving party", which I've failed to plan because I'm in denial. Not to mention, I have a wedding to go to this weekend. What am I going to do?

I'm still in shock that I even have cancer.


  1. I say you should assert control by shaving preemptively. And Nick says you should go to the wedding with a mohawk. (But be sure someone other than Nick gives you the mohawk.)

  2. Do what YOU feel is right!! You will look "marvelous" no matter what you decide to do!!

  3. Susan, I thought I would comment on this topic because I just so happen to be an official expert in this area. I realize that our situations are different, me being a male and the fact that I lost my hair because of poor genetics. However, we do have similarities and those will come in the form of perks. Just think of the time you will save in the morning. Those with hair have no idea what they are missing, while they are trying to fix their imperfections for the day we are already perfect. And all those fancy shampoos and hair elixirs are expensive and probably bad for the environment. Hair cuts, have you ever had a bad one, not now, like mine yours will be perfect every time. And by the way, bald isn’t just for the good looking and above average intelligence anymore. This look is catching on all over the world. You and I can be crusaders in this new movement together. At least until your hair returns to its full glory and I’m left to complete this journey alone. But then you will understand the upside of the hair challenged and secretly admire those for all the special advantages. Your beauty shines through your personality and your fabulous smile. Those around you will probable never notice your lack of hair. Bill
